
The lectures by R.I. Solnitsev are available for downloading: “Information technology in the design and manufacturing of cyber-physical systems” Russian


St.Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI), CAD department: Weekly seminars “Cyber-physical systems: the study, design and manufacturing” by prof. Solnitsev R.I.


  1. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) – basic definitions, concepts
  2. Examples and classification of CPS
  3. Enterprises as CPS – a survey for the implementation of CAD
  4. ”Nature-Technogenics” Control system
  5. Control system for technosphere safety
  6. Control system for recycling Infrastructures
  7. Management system for environmental safety of vehicles
  8. Macro CPS models
  9. Design stages of CPS: coordination of TOR, preliminary design, detailed design, testing
  10. Production stages: technological preparation, additive manufacturing technology
  11. Marketing of CPS products

The presented topics associated with digital design and production, are also topics of dissertations of graduate students.

The seminar is conducted by:

Blockchain Technology Course

Georgy Alexandrovich Kupriyanov's course on the fundamentals of [blockchain] technology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain). While on individual requests.

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