Kupriianov Georgii Aleksandrovich

Deputy Director of IIEEHS, senior researcher


Author of a number of scientific publications. Direction of activity - research and development of the functioning of the Closed-loop control system "Nature-Technogenic", modeling and synthesis of environmental infrastructure. I lead there the topic of modeling and development, as well as automation of the design of infrastructure for the separate collection and disposal of waste, I intend to include this topic in my dissertation, I have and am preparing new publications. Participated with this topic in conferences WASTE'2018, SCM'2018, SCM'2019 , SCM'2020, SCM'2021, IHSI'2022, Italy, Venice. I expect participation in new conferences and publications. I plan to create a recycling infrastructure (RI): efficient, safe, aesthetic and comfortable. Much attention will also be paid to agitation of the population and openness of information.

CAD Analyst Engineer (2002, cum laude). More than 22 years of experience in software development, in the design of complex software and hardware systems. Participated in research and development work.

As a volunteer, I take part in the actions of the [Separate Waste Collection] movement (https://rsbor.ru).


See file attached: Куприянов-Публикации.pdf

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