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• The topics of the lecture course by R.I. Solnitsev have been published:
“Information technology in the design of cyber-physical systems” [Russian]

• An article in the SCM'2020 Conference Proceedings:
Solnitsev R.I., Kupriyanov G.A. Recycling infrastructure design automation issues
[Russian]  [English: IEEE Xplore]


● The monograph published: Solnitsev R.I., Korshunov G.I., Petrushevskaya A.A., Paranichev A.V. Cyber-physical systems in environmental safety and geomonitoring of motor transport (Research, design, production) SPb GETU LETI, 2019, 200 p.

● from September 2019 to the present Prof. Solnitsev R. I. is conducting weekly seminars titled “Cyber-physical systems: the study, design and manufacturing”

St.Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI), 2019
CAD department
Weekly seminars “Cyber-physical systems: the study, design and manufacturing”

1. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) – basic definitions, concepts
2. Examples and classification of CPS
3. Enterprises as CPS – a survey for the implementation of CAD
4. ”Nature-Technogenics” Control system
5. Control system for technosphere safety
6. Management system for environmental safety of vehicles
7. Macro CPS models
8. Design stages of CPS: coordination of TOR, preliminary design, detailed design, testing
9. Production stages: technological preparation, additive manufacturing technology
10. Marketing of CPS products
The presented topics associated with digital design and production, are also topics of dissertations of graduate students.

● Published the list of scientific and educational works of professor, doctor of technical sciences Solnitsev R.I. for the period 2014 - 2019 (in Russian)


Papers were published:
Solnitsev R. I., Do Xuan Cho. “Construction of Computer Appliance for the «Nature - Technogeniс» Control System” // XIX Intern. Conf. on Soft Computing and Measurement (SCM-2016). SPb. May 25-27, 2016. Vol. 2. P. 239-241.
Solnitsev R. I., Shamray Y. L. “CAD Construction for Smart Angle Trasnformers” // XIX Intern. Conf. on Soft Computing and Measurement (SCM-2016). SPb. May 25-27, 2016. Vol. 2. P. 145-147.


Papers were published:
● Solnitsev R. I., Korshunov G. I. Mathematical and Methodical Support of Ecosystem for Neutralization of Vehicle Exhaust Gases // Innovations, 2015. № 11 (203). P. 125-128.
● Solnitsev R. I., Karimov A. I., Karimov T. I. [el al].
Designer Workstation for Digital Controllers of Command Devices // Information and Control Systems, 2015. № 6 (79). P. 66-70. doi:10.15217/issn1684-8853.2015.6.66
Solnitsev R. I., Do Xuan Cho. About CAD Subsystem Appliance for Meteorological Support Devices of «Nature-Technogenic» Closed-Loop Control System // Programmnye Produkty I Sistemy. 2015. № 3 (111). P. 204-209.
Solnitsev R. I., Rizhov N. G. The Design “Nature-Technogenic” Control System // Conference “The Problems Engineering Control Systems”. 2015. Vol. 1. P. 89-92.

Scientific Theme “«Nature-Technogenic» Control Systems” is supported on Scientific-Technical Council based on the Report of Prof. Remir Solnitsev.